  • 生日蛋糕
  • 窝家甜品
  • 全国送
  • 可加热
  • Tui tui le cake
  • 推推乐蛋糕(6支)
  • 边推边吃,重温童年的回忆。戚风蛋糕+动物奶油,用简单原本的食材,就是玩!6种口味,任你挑选。
  • Eat and push, reliving your childhood memories. Chiffon cake + animal buttercream, using simple and original ingredients, its all about fun! 6 flavors to choose......
  • ¥79.00
  • Macaron & Immortal Flower
  • 永生花漾马卡龙礼盒
  • 有一种色彩叫马卡龙有一种爱情叫永生花我把你藏在我的后花园那个色彩斑斓遍布马卡龙的桃花源
  • There is a color called macarons have a love is eternal life flowers I hide you in my after the garden colorful around the peach blossom source of macarons...
  • ¥159.00
  • Macaron Flower
  • 花漾马卡龙
  • 第108次改良不仅仅是口感还有扑面而来的满面春风色彩轻叩着心扉
  • 108th times improvement is not only the taste and Pumianerlai color shine with happiness knock at your heart...
  • ¥59.00
  • Crayfish Mooncake
  • 小龙虾鲜肉酥
  • 混搭新贵——小龙虾鲜肉酥Crayfish Mooncake,八百里洞庭湖水系的“虾稻共生”天然清水稻田虾,蜷缩在肉馅里的饱满虾尾,Q弹入味;苏氏月饼的饼皮经过古...
  • Mix meat crisp Crayfish Mooncake hot crayfish, eight hundred in Dongting Lake river shrimp rice symbiosis natural water paddy shrimp, the shrimp meat stuffing c......
  • ¥199.00
  • MINI Mango pomelo sago cake
  • 杨枝甘露小鲜肉罐子蛋糕
  • 拒绝色素添加的天然果肉,混合着淡奶、卡仕达酱、炼乳而成的多肉鲜奶布丁,杨枝甘露蛋糕,再现经典港式甜品的味道。是的,吃过的都说爱上了。
  • Refuse the natural flesh that pigment adds, mix the succulent fresh milk pudding that light milk, ka shida sauce, condensed milk becomes, poplar branch sweet de......
  • ¥52.00
  • The cherry blossom bread
  • 樱花大面包
  • 一磅重的樱花大面包,比脸还要大,轻轻撕开,清新香甜迎面扑来。回味有淡淡的樱花香,沁人心脾。
  • A pound of cherry blossom bread, bigger than your face, gently ripped open, is fresh and sweet. The aftertaste has a light cherry blossom aroma, refreshing the ......
  • ¥33.00
  • Chocolate croissants
  • 脏脏包
  • 面包界的新晋网红,吃完后满嘴、满脸、满手脏兮兮的面包,瞬间填充满满的幸福感。用巧克力和面的起酥面包,层层酥皮上浇了厚厚的巧克力层,上面再洒满可可粉,一口咬下去,...
  • The new Wanghong bread, bread, full face, hands dirty after eating, instantly filled full of happiness. Puff Bread with chocolate and the surface layers of past......
  • ¥59.00
  • Chocolate Snow Castle
  • 巧克力雪堡大面包
  • 巧克力面团、瑞士巧克力豆、安佳黄油、新西兰奶油、韩国幼砂糖
  • Chocolate dough, Swiss chocolate beans, Ann butter, New Zealand cream, South Korea sugar...
  • ¥29.00
  • Durian Bread
  • 榴莲芝心大面包
  • 面团、泰国金枕头榴莲肉、芝士酱、白豆沙、安佳黄油、新西兰奶油、杏仁片、韩国幼砂糖
  • Dough, Thailand Golden Pillow durian meat, cheese sauce, bean paste, Angaur butter, cream, New Zealand, almonds, South Korea young sugar...
  • ¥41.00
  • foudant au chocolat
  • 熔岩巧克力蛋糕2枚 全国配送
  • 在法文中称“foudant au chocolat” 即“融化的巧克力”,是一道法式甜点。外层是酥香的巧克力海绵蛋糕,内层是香浓的软心流质巧克力酱。搭配香草口味...
  • Called \\\"foudant au Chocolat\\\" or \\\"melted chocolate\\\" in French, is a French dessert. The outer layer is crispy chocolate Sponge Cake, the inner layer ......
  • ¥59
熔岩巧克力蛋糕2枚 全国配送
  • bicuit box
  • 法式酥点(铁盒)
  • 饼干制作的精髓多一分则太过柔软少一分又不够松脆反复的搅拌多次的揉和让食材的香味渗透每一个角落在烘焙中静静等待开启的刹那所有努力都得到了验证一盏香茶,三五好友就这...
  • Biscuit making essence more specific too stirring soft less points and not crisp many times and let the food fragrance permeates every corner in the baking of q......
  • ¥138.00
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