  • 生日蛋糕
  • 窝家甜品
  • 全国送
  • 可加热
  • 推推乐蛋糕(6支)
  • 边推边吃,重温童年的回忆。戚风蛋糕+动物奶油,用简单原本的食材,就是玩!6种口味,任你挑选。
  • Eat and push, reliving your childhood memories. Chiffon cake + animal buttercream, using simple and original ingredients, its all about fun! 6 flavors to choose......
  • ¥79.00
  • 蜜桃芝心
  • 蜜桃味儿的芝士,不喜欢芝士的人,也要多吃上两口。
  • Peach-flavored cheese, people who do not like cheese, also need to eat two more mouthfuls....
  • ¥199.00
  • 永生花漾马卡龙礼盒
  • 有一种色彩叫马卡龙有一种爱情叫永生花我把你藏在我的后花园那个色彩斑斓遍布马卡龙的桃花源
  • There is a color called macarons have a love is eternal life flowers I hide you in my after the garden colorful around the peach blossom source of macarons...
  • ¥159.00
  • 红丝绒奶盖半熟芝士
  • 热量更低的半熟芝士,可以从夏天吃到冬天,凉着吃→热着吃的味道,就像初见→热恋的感觉!
  • Low calorie semi-cooked cheese can be eaten from summer to winter, cold to hot, just like the feeling of first sight to love!...
  • ¥199.00
  • 花漾马卡龙
  • 第108次改良不仅仅是口感还有扑面而来的满面春风色彩轻叩着心扉
  • 108th times improvement is not only the taste and Pumianerlai color shine with happiness knock at your heart...
  • ¥59.00
  • 情人.玫瑰芝士
  • 两个时空的芝士碰撞,就像不同的你们,对的人总会遇到,两人食也刚刚好
  • Two time and space cheese collisions, just like different people, you will always encounter two people....
  • ¥199.00
  • 小龙虾鲜肉酥
  • 混搭新贵——小龙虾鲜肉酥Crayfish Mooncake,八百里洞庭湖水系的“虾稻共生”天然清水稻田虾,蜷缩在肉馅里的饱满虾尾,Q弹入味;苏氏月饼的饼皮经过古...
  • Mix meat crisp Crayfish Mooncake hot crayfish, eight hundred in Dongting Lake river shrimp rice symbiosis natural water paddy shrimp, the shrimp meat stuffing c......
  • ¥199.00
  • 小熊很芒
  • 萌到吐血的童真,和平单纯的甜蜜,他将是你的新宠——“小熊很芒”。拥有小台农芒的优良基因,吸取了大自然的精华,纯天然、无添加的芒果肉泥和大块果肉,咬下去汁多味美!
  • Adorable to vomit blood innocence, pure sweet peace, he will be your favorite -- \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"the bear is very elongated\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\......
  • ¥179.00
  • 沙河大蛋糕(经典巧克...
  • 一个王子家厨所创造的巧克力蛋糕,因加入杏酱而拥有了独到口味,又因传奇的故事,目前封为奥地利国宝。
  • A prince kitchen created chocolate cake, has a unique taste due to the addition of apricot jam and, because of the legendary stories, now called Austria treasur......
  • ¥199
  • 蓝莓冻乳酪蛋糕
  • 喜欢蓝莓的恬淡,但无法拒绝奶酪的香醇。关于蓝莓,每个人都有不同的记忆。曾经有个女孩,被一个男孩带着去吃了块蓝莓蛋糕,后来那个男孩走了,女孩自己再去找这种口味的蛋...
  • About blueberries, everyone has a special memory.it is sweet, romantic and the wonderful cheese....
  • ¥199
  • 抹茶乳酪蛋糕
  • 有日式蛋糕的风骨,清新抹茶和香浓奶酪的醇香。有绿茶的清高,也有如水般的平和;有自成一体的个性,也具有容乃大的精神。”
  • A flavor of Japanese style green tea cheese cake. It is the best choose for the people who is not like too much sweet....
  • ¥199
  • 脏脏包
  • 面包界的新晋网红,吃完后满嘴、满脸、满手脏兮兮的面包,瞬间填充满满的幸福感。用巧克力和面的起酥面包,层层酥皮上浇了厚厚的巧克力层,上面再洒满可可粉,一口咬下去,...
  • The new Wanghong bread, bread, full face, hands dirty after eating, instantly filled full of happiness. Puff Bread with chocolate and the surface layers of past......
  • ¥59.00
  • 黑白能量蛋糕卷
  • 梦龙巧克力坚果蛋糕卷,牵手白兔奶油蛋糕卷,天生绝配CP !累了,烦了,来一盒黑白能量卷,瞬间为你注入能量,打爆全场!
  • Imagine dragon chocolate nut cake roll, and white rabbit cream cake roll, perfect match CP! Tired, bored, to a box of black and white energy roll, instant for y......
  • ¥88.00
  • MINI麦芬蛋糕礼盒
  • 萌萌的小萝莉身材,一口一个,浓郁香甜的味道在嘴里化开,只有纯正的新西兰黄油,才能烘烤出,柔软湿润细腻口感的麦芬.
  • The budding little Lori, one by one, has a rich, sweet taste in her mouth, and only pure New Zealand butter can bake out the soft, moist and delicate taste of M......
  • ¥89.00
  • 情人.玫瑰芝士(凤凰...
  • 两个时空的芝士碰撞,就像不同的你们,对的人总会遇到,两人食也刚刚好
  • Two time and space cheese collisions, just like different people, you will always encounter two people....
  • ¥107.00
  • 2021年货礼盒
  • 特别精选4款热卖甜品,凑在一起,给你和你爱的人。内含:梦龙巧克力坚果蛋糕卷*1;白兔奶油蛋糕卷*1;巧克力奥利奥罐子蛋糕*1;巧克力脏脏包*1;熔岩蛋糕*2
  • Special selection of 4 popular desserts, put together, for you and your loved ones. Contains: Imagine Dragon Chocolate Nut Cake Roll *1; White Rabbit Cream Cake......
  • ¥129.00
  • 冰棒蛋糕
  • 长得像冰棒,其实是慕斯蛋糕。把蛋糕做成冰棒的样子非常有趣。6个颜色6种口味,哪个最令你心动?生日聚会、朋友派对来一次不一样的碰撞吧!
  • It looks like a Popsicle, but its a mousse cake. Its fun to make the cake look like a Popsicle. Six colors and six flavors, which appeals to you the most? Birth......
  • ¥169.00
  • 老式裱花白脱蛋糕
  • 选用来自法国的天然乳脂奶油,扑鼻的奶香,不甜不腻;添加了安佳黄油,让入口更醇香,调和了香草味儿的升级版白脱奶油蛋糕
  • Choice of natural cream cream from France, tangy milk smell, not sweet not greasy; Ancha butter is added to sweeten the palate, blending the vanilla flavor of t......
  • ¥199.00
  • 百香蛋糕
  • 百香果,散发着165种水果香味,是世界上已知最芳香的水果之一。搭配慕斯蛋糕的最佳品尝温度4℃,越南百香果园直采新鲜果肉,回归食材本真,低温锁住新鲜和芳香。
  • Passion fruit, exudes 165 kinds of fruit flavor, is one of the worlds most known aromatic fruit. The best collocation Mousse Cake tasting temperature of 4 DEG C......
  • ¥199.00
  • 熔岩巧克力蛋糕2枚 ...
  • 在法文中称“foudant au chocolat” 即“融化的巧克力”,是一道法式甜点。外层是酥香的巧克力海绵蛋糕,内层是香浓的软心流质巧克力酱。搭配香草口味...
  • Called \\\"foudant au Chocolat\\\" or \\\"melted chocolate\\\" in French, is a French dessert. The outer layer is crispy chocolate Sponge Cake, the inner layer ......
  • ¥59
熔岩巧克力蛋糕2枚 全国配送
  • 黑白巧克力蛋糕
  • 巧克力,不外乎黑与白。但却正是这简单经典的黑白搭配,足以做出变化无穷、甜蜜温暖的巧克力甜点。好的慕斯蛋糕,吃在嘴里就该是完全“没有阻力”的感觉。
  • Chocolate cake is a dessert icon, and like icons in general, it has a lot going for it. A land of constant surprise and shifting impression....
  • ¥199
  • 北海道红豆蛋糕
  • 蛋糕的甜味完全来自日本红腰豆。从高仓健主演的电影《追捕》、《远山的呼唤》、《幸福的黄手帕》,到影片《非诚勿扰》中都有很多北海道的镜头,这里是个美食的天堂,极具诱...
  • The sweetness of cake is completely form red kidney beans in Japan ....
  • ¥199
  • 意大利卡布基诺蛋糕
  • 一位聪明的糕点师将卡布奇诺咖啡溶入蛋糕之中,颜色就像是修士所穿的深褐色道袍,演变成如今的卡布奇诺蛋糕。
  • Close your eyes,and you can feel the surprisingly good combination, coffee and white cholacate,a challenge for your taste buds....
  • ¥199
  • 鲜奶水果蛋糕
  • 入口即化的双色巧克力片里,是醇正的新西兰动物乳脂奶油。像夏日郊外小栅栏,可人地,盛放着植物花草的苁蓉,和秋千上青春的小梦想?恬静亦多彩的温馨色泽,香甜可口的原料...
  • That is the entrance of the two-color chocolate chip, is pure New Zealand animal cream. A small fence suburb in summer, but, in full bloom with flowers and plan......
  • ¥179
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